Lesson 19: Chinese Idioms

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I posted a new Chinese lesson, so today that is exactly what I'm doing! Today we will be learning about one of the most difficult parts of the Chinese language: 成語(pronounced chen yu), or idioms. It can be very challenging to learn a foreign language, even just literal every day language, but idioms will pose a serious challenge. There are still tons that I don't know! And the meaning is not always clear. Basically, they're often something older people will say to us youngsters (I'm 30, that's still youngish, right?) to sound wise and experienced in the ways of the world. While you don't really need to learn any idioms to be able to communicate and get around in Taiwan, they will add a lot of credibility to your Chinese, and they're fun too! So let's learn some, shall we? Here are some of my favorites:

感激不盡 gǎnjībùjìn-

This means "I can't thank you enough", and it's to be used in a situation where saying 謝謝 just doesn't cut it, like if someone were to save your life.


吹毛求疵 chuī máo qiú cī-

This mean "nitpick", and is useful for when your wife or girlfriend is laying into your every action/word. Next time, tell them 不要吹毛求疵 (don't nitpick). And then you might want to run!


隨心所欲 suí xīn suǒ yù-

This means "do as you please", so if someone is retired, they can go ahead and 隨心所欲.


船到橋頭自然直 chuán dào qiáo tóu zì rán zhí-

This basically means "just go with the flow", when a ship comes into dock, it doesn't fight the waters, and you can't control everything on your own life. You'd go crazy if you tried!


青紅皂白 qīng-hóng-zào-bái-

This is used to mean " black and white", or "right and wrong", so if we are discussing someone that has done something wrong, like a politician, a celebrity or a friend, I may say "他不分青紅皂白".


馬馬虎虎 mǎmǎhūhū-

This literally means "horse horse tiger tiger", which of course makes no sense in English! The idiom is used to mean "so-so". If I see a moviend my friends ask me how it is, I may reply 馬馬虎虎 if I didn't think it was that good.


津津有味 jīnjīn yǒu wèi-

This can mean to "relish" something. For example, 他們吃得津津有味 means that they greatly relished their meal. 


知己知彼,百戰百勝 zhījǐzhībǐ, bǎizhàn-bǎishèng-

This is probably the most famous Chinese idiom in the West, as we see the reference in a lot of literature and movies. "Know yourself, know your enemy, fight a hundred battles, win a hundred victories" is pretty self explanatory, so I won't go into depth on the meaning. It's a quote from Sunzi's "The Art of War", for those of you that may not have heard it before.


百看不厭 bǎi kàn bù yàn-

This literally means that If you see something one hundred times, you won't hate it. Or "you won't get sick of it". This is good phrase for talking about your favorite movie.

For example, 那一部電影百看不厭.


羊入虎口 yángrùhǔkǒu-

This means "a lamb enters a tigers mouth", which is used to mean that you(the lamb) are treading dangerous grounds(the tiger's mouth).


As you can see, some of these idioms are easier to understand than others, but most of their meanings are not readily apparent. That is why Chinese is so challenging, and such a fun language to learn! What is your favorite idiom from our list! Let us know!


Taipei in 7 Days- Into Taipei, and 101

Hey guys, today's post is a continuation of out Taipei in Seven Days series. Here's the article that I'm refering too, in case you missed it. Let me know if you have any questions below, and let us know about your experiences traveling in Taipei. Enjoy!


Getting to Taipei:

Congratulations, you're now in Taiwan, exiting your plane at Taoyuan International Airport. It's likely full of travelers(it always is when I travel) and just finding your way around can be a challenge. Luckily for you, there are English signs all over, so you should be able to find your way to customs with relatively little pain. Make sure you fill out the customs form(they'll want simple information, like the address you'll be staying at, and why you're visiting Taiwan, etc.), and get your passport ready. Some countries make it a real hassle to get through customs, but it's pretty easy in Taiwan. Once you've gotten your passport stamped go to luggage claim, grab your bags and head out into the terminal and exchange your cash for a Taiwanese money. So what's next? The first thing you're going to need to do after you pick up your luggage and exchange your currency for NT, is get to Taipei. Now, you have two options.


Cheapskate: take the 國光 bus from the airport terminal to Taipei city.  This is definitely the cheaper of the two options, as a ticket will only run you around $95NT($3USD). If you go this route, I'd recommend that you get off at Taipei Main Station(your hub for transit around the city) as it's the last station, so you won't miss your stop.


Big Spender: hop in a cab and ride in style to your destination. Don't worry, the cab should only cost you around $1000NT($30USD). If you have reservations at a hotel, make sure you give your driver the address written in Chinese, as he may not speak English. You can translate the address using this website if you can't find it online:



I know, I know. You're in an exciting new city, and surrounded by all sorts of new and unusual sights, sounds and smells. It's only natural to want to explore, but unless you want to lug your suitcase with you through all of the crowded Night Markets and MRTs, then you'd better go check in at your hotel. As before, I'm offering you two options. But if you have already made other arrangements, skip on down to the next section and let's have some fun!



If you happen to be saving your funds up for an awesome souvenir, or if you just have a limited amount of money to vacation with, then I recommend that you stay in a youth hostel. It's cheap, you have the opportunity to meet new, interesting(or weird) people, and how much time do you really plan to spend in your room? You only have a brief window to see this beautiful country, so don't waste time sleeping in! If what I've said here sounds like what you're looking for, then why not stay at Taipei Hostel? They've been open since 1975, and they are in fact, the first youth hostel in Taipei. Their prices are reasonable at $300NT ($10USD) a night, which isn't bad considering it's very close to the transportation hub of Taipei: Taipei Main Station.

Here's the address in Chinese and English, along with contact numbers and their fax number. If you have any trouble finding the place, give them a call and someone will help you out. Don't worry, they have English speaking staff. It's located just down the street and around the corner from Taipei Main Station. They have a map on their website that can help you find it too. You can also make reservations online. Their website is: Taipeihostel.com.

Taipei Hostel


台灣台北市中正區林森北路5巷11號6 樓


TEL:    +886 2 23952950  |  +886 2 23952951

FAX:    +886 2 23952952


Big Spender:

Right across from Taipei Main Station is one of the nicest hotels in the area,  Caesar Park Taipei. It's going to be a lot more expensive, but it places you in the perfect spot for taking advantage of Taipei's famous, and incredibly convenient MRT system. Do getting around the city to all of the destinations in this guide will be a lot less hassle, so you'll be able to further maximize your time. So the question is, what's more important? Your time, or money? Hmmm, tricky question indeed, since time is money. if you answered "time" then you've come to the right place. Plus with all the top-notch accommodations, and the plush decor, you can bet that your stay will be a comfortable one! A room in the Caesar Park is going to run you ~$4300NT+ (~$140USD+) a night.

Below is the hotels address and contact information, including their website, which you can check out for more information and to make reservations. This is where my family stayed when they visited me the first time in a Taiwan, and I would recommend them to anyone. The service is great, and it's a relaxing and comfortable place to stay. Remember, you get what you pay for. Check them out and make your reservations here: taipei.caesarpark.com.tw

Caesar Park Taipei


No. 38, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao W. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist.

Taipei City, 100, Taiwan




Morning to Afternoon:
First thing you're going to see in Taipei is Taipei 101. Taipei 101 was formerly holder of the "worlds tallest building" title, but has since been overtaken by Dubai's Burj Khalifa, but at a height of 1,667 feet(or 508 meters for my non-American friends), it's still probably the tallest building you'll ever see(that statement holds true for me at least), and it is still credited as the tallest "green" building in the world, due to its unique, energy-saving design, and to his credit, architect C. Y. Lee took the "green" theme over board by designing the building to represent a bamboo stalk reaching to the heavens, hence the tiered appearance of the building. You may have noticed that there are also eight tiers to the building, well, that's no coincidence. Readers of my blog will know from my previous writings on Chinese culture that the number "8" and the number "4"  have an inverse relationship in Chinese thought. The number "8" (Chinese character "八" pronounced ba, and very similar in pronunciation to the Chinese character 爸 which means father) is a lucky, or auspicious number, thought to bring prosperity and wealth, and for this reason Chinese Fathers Day is August 8th, or 08/08, which is a very lucky day. The number "4"(Chinese character 四, pronounced si, and very similar in pronunciation to 死, the Chinese character meaning "die"), on the other hand is a very unlucky number, and this is why Chinese people, being extremely superstitious leave the fourth floor off of hospitals and hotels, and soTaipei 101 doesn't have a 44th floor, which would be twice as bad! It's called Taipei 101 because there are 101 floors above ground, but there are also 5 floors below ground, so you could technically call it "Taipei 106", but that doesn't sound quite as good, does it?


Anyway, I could keep on heaping the facts on you, and tell you about things like the impressive wind dampener, and other architectural features of the building that make it stable standing so tall in a country that is no stranger to earthquakes and typhoons, but that's not really the point here. Like I said, It used to be the tallest building in the world, but alas, no more…it's still a must-see destination for anyone who goes to Taiwan though.



Taipei can be tricky to navigate at times if you're unfamiliar with the layout of the city, but 101 has got to be the easiest place to find in the city hands-down.  For obvious reasons, you can't miss it(I mean, it's kind of hard to miss the gigantic monolithic structure towering over the rest of the Taipei cityscape, and you can see it from practically anywhere in the city!)! How you get there is up to you though, but I'll lay out the options for you down below.



Gotta love Taipei's MRT system. You can get anywhere in the city, and mist of Taipei county even in a real hurry. And the massive network of MRT routes are only going to grow. These days, since the MRT system has grown out so much you can just take the subway to the World Trade Center Station and from there just walk to 101(it's really close, and like I mentioned, you can't miss it!). When you first enter the MRT station, you will have to get yourself an easy card. You have to pay a $100NT($3USD) deposit and then load it up with money. Start with $500NT($17USD) and you can always put more on it later. You'll be using this all week to pay for your bus and MRT fares. Alternately, you can just pay for a one-time use token. It'll save you money for now, but in the long-run, you'll want an easy card. Plus, you can always return your eazy card at the end of your vacation to get your deposit back. Or keep it as a souvenir, the choice is yours.


Big Spender:

Or if you want to steer-clear of the crowds on the subway, you can always grab a cab. There are plenty of cabs to choose from around Taipei Main Station. Dont worry about speaking Chinese to the driver. Just tell him "Taipei 101" and if he doesn't understand that, say "Taipei yi-ling-yi", and if he still doesn't know what you're talking about, show him this Chinese sentence. 司機,我要到台北101。謝謝你。



There's no lack of options in the entertainment department. But ultimately different things will appeal to different people. Stores galore, Page1(the best bookstore in Taiwan, hands down, for buying English language books), an international grocery store, and tons of other ways to kill time(and money!). And price is always a factor. Let's check out what Taipei 101 has to offer!



There are lots of things to do here. It all depends on how much you are willing to spend, and if you're cheap like me, you might want to play it low-key. They quite often have interesting sculptures and art exhibitions, which are fun to check out for free! During one Christmas, season they had a "Christmas Village" set up,  with several DIY craft stands, and elves to boot! There's also a large fountain on the ground outside the building which intermittently sprays water, and children can always be found darting through, laughing and shouting. There's plenty of window shopping to be done, and a great food court in the basement with plenty of international selections, though you should eat Chinese food, after all you're in Taiwan! You can also go to the top observation deck, order a coffee and look down on the ants…I mean people of Taipei. They have lots of cool things to see up there, including solid gold sculptures from a famous Taiwanese artist, Zhu Ming,  and intricate sculptures carved out of coral. Plus, you can really see everything from up there! It's $400NT($12USD) for a ride to the top, but it's really worth it, and the ride is half the fun! You don't have to spend a dime on anything else if you don't want to, though a coffee or tea might be nice, either way it's your choice. The elevator up is so fast that you feel like you've just gone up 3 floors, not the close to a hundred floors that you've actually traveled, and be prepared for your ears to pop! Heck, if you're here for NewYears Eve, then you could always watch the world-famous firework display, as brightly colored missiles of light shoot off the sides of Taipei 101 into the midnight sky. Bottom line is there's something for everyone, so check around, you'll probably find something interesting!



Big Spender:

If you really want to go all-out, there are quite a few fine dining establishments here, in addition to the food court. The fancy places are all on the upper floors. And instead of window shopping, why not get yourself a new Gucci bag, or an Armani suit? All of the name brands in fashion have stores open here, and you could easily drop a fortune shopping. You could also buy yourself some fancy coral jewelry and artwork at the top of 101 if you wanted to take home a truly unique souvenir.  You could also always take home one of Zhu Ming's lavish sculptures too, if taking them in with your eyes isn't enough. I remember last time I was there seeing a really sculpture if a human skull, all in gold of course, that would look awesome on my desk. Or take home something a little more mass-produced, but equally enjoyable from the souvenir store. There's also plenty of opportunities for photo ops while up top, so be sure to charge your camera batteries, and bring an extra while you're at it! If you're feeling adventurous and have a problem with authority(and can afford trouble with said authority figures), then why not parachute off the uppermost, outdoor observation deck? There was a guy that did that back several years, and I'll bet he had a very memorable trip to Taiwan, as the police were waiting for him when he landed! It's obviously not a very good idea, but who am I to tell you how to spend your time and money? I just hope you have lots of noth if you go down that path.



After spending what amounts to the last day of your life either onboad an airplane, or waiting around in an airport terminal, I'm pretty sure you're tired of "air-food". You may or may not have had Chinese food back home, but don't expect the local cuisine to be the same. It's time to get you your first authentic Taiwanese meal, and you're in for a treat. Come on, grub's on, let's eat!



The food court has it all. Anything from Subway, to McDonalds, to your Taiwanese chain store. If you want to eat on the cheap, then I recommend going to 鼎泰豐 or 南雞飯. They're famous chain stores, and they've got some really good food. There's a lot more to eat and drink too, including  a juice bar if you're in the mood for some freshly blended juice, an Indian restaurant with really delicious Indian style flat-breads among other dishes(the bread is my favorite though!), and tere's also a great Korean restaurant that sells an awesome stone bowl rice. Or you could try out a selection of Taiwanese baked-goods(my favorites are honey-covered mini-croissants, bolo bread, loaves of garlic bread, sun cakes and pineapple cakes…you can't go wrong with any of it!). A few more dishes I recommend are curry rice(you can choose to have it served with either a fried pork steak or fried chicken steak, they're both good, so I'll let you choose), 滷肉飯(Chinese pork-stew over rice, a traditional meal that tastes great and is really super cheap), any kind of noodles, and 小南門's delicious 豆花(a soft, delicious desert made from soy beans) for desert. Anyway, look around and find something that you like. Expect to spend $120-200NT($4-6USD) for a meal. Not super cheap by local standards, but by American standards, I'll take those prices any day! What about you? Try it out, and let me know what you think!


Big Spender:

If you have the funds and really want to make a lasting memory, then check-out Diamond Tony's Observatory Restaurant. It's on the 85th floor of Taipei 101, so expect to enjoy a spectacular view while you wine and dine. Make sure to make reservations, as it's a popular location. It's comparable to Wang Steak as far as quality goes, as well as cost.  So expect to spend a fair amount, around $3000NT($100USD) per person. Like I said, it's not cheap, and I've never personally eaten there, but if you enjoy a fine steak dinner, and your not worried about the cost, go for it. There's plenty to choose from on their menu, such as crab, lobster, and steaks. Enjoy a bottle of their fine wine with your meal if that's your style, or a cold beer if you prefer, and enjoy the live entertainment and the view of the city. You only live once, and you're on vacation! Another option, more traditionally Chinese, would be Shinyeh which is also on the 85th floor. Check them out to get a taste of Taiwanese family style meals, with all of your friends seated around one of their big, round, dining-tables, and everyone sharing dishes in the middle of the table. It'll be an interesting experience for you culturally, and for your taste buds! You can find out more about each of these fine establishments on their websites. Go to www.diamond-tony.com.tw for more information on Diamond Tony's, and here www.shinyeh.com.tw for Shinyeh. Bon appetite!


That's it for today's installment. I'll be ofering ideas for how you can spend your free time after checking out 101, and before heading to our next stop in our next update. Stay tuned, and let me know what you think!

What do you want from EazyChinese?

What do you want from EazyChinese?

Hey everyone, here's a questionaire that I wrote-up for you guys. It'll only take you a minute to fill-out, and it will help me a lot. Thank you for your time and let me know if there is anything I can do for you to make your experience with us even better in the future. 

Thanks everyone!


Taipei in 7 Days: Your Guide to Making the Most of Your Time + Culture Shock

So you only have seven days to take a vacation. While some people would tell you that you couldn't see much in seven days, and that you'd pretty much just be wasting your time and money, I say: "No problem"

You really can do a lot in seven days, but you can't do everything. So you are going to have to be realistic with your expectations. You're going to need to maximize your time. In short, you'll need a plan.


That's where this guide comes into play. Between these two covers(unless you're reading the ebook version!) you'll find a carefully thought out itinerary for your week long adventure in Taiwan. While each day will consist of its main destinations, dining and entertainment recommendations, I have also allowed you "free-time" to explore on your own(as well as some suggestions for how to spend that time), so I've really taken out a lot, if not all, of the guess work, whereas other travel guides tend to leave you feeling swamped down with there plethora of suggestions. Don't get me wrong, it's good to have options, but sometimes enough is enough!


I've also included some suggestions on how to save some of your hard earned cash, since I know many backpackers are on a budget. But if you do,have a little extra money to spend, there are some options for you too! These will be distinguished with the labels: "Cheapskate" and "Big Spender" respectively.


This guide is the product of my own experiences living in Taiwan, and what I have included in here are what I feel to be the best uses of your limited time. It is my hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it, and that you will have an amazing adventure here in Taiwan.


Now, let's get started!

Day 1

Okay, slow and steady is the name of the game today. After all, you've likely just flown in from the other side of the world, depending on where you're coming from, and you are probably feeling at least a little off due to jet lag. So we're going to take it easy. This day is going to be about recouping, and enjoying you're first exposure to a new culture and language.


And Taiwanese culture is very colorful and mysterious to us Westerners, no doubt about it. What, with the esoteric practices of Qigong and Gungfu(traditional Chinese martial arts), acupuncture and other forms of traditional medicine, the mix of modern structures and several-hundred year-old Buddhist, Taoist and Confucianist temples strewn about through the streets, lavishly decorated and very foreign to us, the difference in culinary tastes, and just the way of life on the densely populated island; rest assured that it is all going to feel very novel at first(unless you choose to live there for five years like I did, then it's all going to feel pretty ordinary after a while!). Expect to feel excited, and most likely overwhelmed by all of the new sights and sounds. It's okay, it happens. It's called culture shock, and it hits everyone differently. While culture shock is definitely going to impact expats much more deeply than it will their vacationing counterparts, it's still something that you are going to want to be aware of, just so you will know what you're experiencing is a normal reaction to your new surroundings. In general, there will be a period of excitement or possibly euphoric elation as you experience new and novel situations. These initial "positive" symptoms of culture shock are often followed up by more " negative" symptoms. Below is a list of common "negative" symptoms of culture shock that you should watch out for.


Some symptoms of culture shock to be aware of are:

-Extreme homesickness- You may not experience this if you are merely visiting a country for a week, but if you choose to stay or an extended period, like I did, then you are going to feel this way sometimes, especially if you have family back home. I myself have experienced this to a degree.


-Feelings of helplessness/dependency- It is common for people to rely on a guide, or a native friend or significant other when they are in a foreign country. While this is natural, especially if your grasp of the local language is poor, though it can be crippling and severely limit what you are able yo do, and when you're able to do it. I for one, in my early days in Taiwan, was very dependent on my boss, and other co-workers, and later my girlfriend at the time (now wife), Ruby. There is nothing wrong with relying on others to a certain extent, but you need to be willing and able to learn to handle things on your own.


-Disorientation and isolation- You may feel out of place, you won't know your way around, and you most likely won't know anyone in your host country. And believe me, it can be a very daunting task making new friends in a foreign land, though it is easier for some than others. As such, you may feel like you're on your own. When I first arrived I. Taiwan, I was only really comfortable going to and from work, along with a handful of other places, and I spent most of my free time after work home alone, watching TV or reading. It didn't take me long to branch-out, but unfortunately, some people never get over this.


-Depression and sadness- You may feel depressed, or helpless. Like you have no control over what happens, which may lead you to question your choice of moving/traveling abroad. I felt a little bit like I didn't know what I'd gotten myself into for a while, but I got over it.

-Anger- Some people may be come angry, and hostile to others as a way of coping with the changes in their life. I never really experienced anger, though everyone will be frustrated from time-to-time.


-Sleep and eating disturbances (too little or too much)- If you weren't a night owl before, you may become one. If you've never been a binge eater, you may become one. Inversely, you may oversleep, and under eat. I was young, and had always been somewhat of a night owl, but due to my work schedule, my sleeping habits became much worse. This lasted for a few years. I also gained a lot of weight my first year in Taiwan, as I discovered tons of new foods and drinks that I loved. Some people I know list a lot of weight though, because they just couldn't acquire a taste for authentic Chinese food.


-Excessive critical reactions to host culture/stereotyping- Things like "they eat with sticks, they're animals" may be some criticisms that people express. Thus is extremely inappropriate, as you are a guest in their country, and as such, should be behaving with  respect and dignity. Remember, you may be their first impression of your own homeland. I am proud to say that I never experienced this symptom. In fact, I have grown to deeply live and respect Chinese people and their cultural traditions. This is the one thing that you MUST be open to if you are going to be spending time in a foreign country. So please, be a good representative of your country. First impressions are BIG.


These are just some of the ways symptoms of culture shock may manifest, and keep in mind that everyone is different. Some of the things I experienced might not bother you at all, but rest assured you will have your own struggles if you stay in a foreign land for long. So ease into the water, don't overload your system. What's the rush? You've got plenty of time!



Anyway, I've kind of run on a little longer than I intended to. In our next installment, we'll be covering your plan for your first day in Taiwan. So stay tuned!

Lesson 18: Spice up your Chinese

Just like every dish needs the right spices to really bring out the flavor, so too does your Chinese. These phrases will help you to make your Chinese sound much more "flavorful", so let's get started with today's lesson!

雖然- even though;often used in conjunction with 但是

suī rán                                                                                                        dàn shì 



tā suī rán lái měi guó shí nián le ,dàn shì hái bù gǎn jiǎng yīng wén 。

Even though he's been in America for ten years, he still isn't confident speaking English.


其實- actually

qí shí 


wǒ de shì yǒu shì yá yī 。qí guài shì tā de yá chǐ qí shí bù tài hǎo 。

My roommate is a dentist. The weird thing is, his teeth are actually pretty bad.


實在- really 

shí zài 


zuì jìn wǒ men chá diǎn shēng yì tè bié hǎo ,wǒ shí zài bù gǎn xiàng xìn le lā !

Recently, our tea store's business has been so good, I really can't believe it!


不但。。。也是- not only, but also

bù dàn ………..yě shì 


wǒ de shī fù bù dàn lì hài ,yě shì qiān xū de 。

My master isn't just really talented, he's also humble.


幾乎- nearly

jǐ hū 

wǒ de péng yǒu jǐ hū dōu yǒu xiǎo hái zǐ le 。

Nearly all of my friends have kids now.


隨便- do as you wish

suí biàn 


bù yào zài lù biān suí biàn wán 。

Don't goof around by the road.


結果- result

jié guǒ 


tā shuō bù xiǎng qù kàn yī shēng ,jié guǒ zǎo shàng qǐ lái fā xiàn tā sǐ diào le 。

He said he didn't want to go to see a doctor; in the morning I discovered that he was dead.


而且- and also

ér qiě  


nà jiān fáng zǐ hěn gāo ,ér qiě hěn háo huá 。

That house is really tall, and also luxurious.


而已- that's all, only

ér yǐ


bù yào duì nǐ de zǐ zǐ tài xiōng ,tā jiù shì xiǎng gēn nǐ wán ér yǐ 。

Don't be too mean to your nephew, he just wants to play with you.

That's it for today, you have your new vocabulary and your examples, so start practicing owning them. Before you know it, your Chinese will taste much better!

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Day Tripper: Wulai

Today I would like to share with you a simple, yet amazing day trip you can make easily from Taipei. This is a great destination for anyone, whether you just have a day to spend, or if you decide to stay the night. I'll let you be the judge.\"DSC04702\"

Wulai is a beautiful town nestled in the mountains of Taipei County. You can get there by taking the number 849 bus from the Xindian MRT station. Be sure to bring a book though, because you're looking at an hour bus ride to get there. The air there is fresh, which in and of itself is a huge relief for those of us who are used to breathing the fumes of all the busses, cars and scooters in the capital city. But Wulai has more to offer than clean air to breathe.

Wulai is famous for its hotsprings, as many other similar communities in Taiwan. As such it's a great place to go to relax and pamper yourself. If you've never soaked in a hotspring, make sure you treat yourself while you're there. 


There is also a famous amusement park which is run by the local aboriginal tribe. 雲仙樂園 is owned and operated by the 泰雅tribe. You can get to the park by riding a gondola over, though be warned animals are not allowed in the park(we learned thus the hard way, as we had to leave our dog kenneled at the gondola station. The amusement park offers a look into what the native people's lives were like. You can engage in lots of fun activities, like traditional bow and arrow shooting and canoe rowing. You can also sit down and enjoy some food and drink while watching a traditional aboriginal display of song and dance. There is also a gift shop/museum and there is a hotel in the park for any who want to make a weekend out of it.

My favorite attraction in Wulai, however, is not the amusement park or hotsprings. It's the Wulai Waterfall 烏來瀑布. It's a bit of a hike to get to the base of the waterfall, but believe me when I tell you that it's worth it. The air is so clean and pure around the waterfall, and you can't help but to be filled with a sense of peace and well being. Go and see for yourself, but be warned: you might not want to leave!


So now you have a day trip planned, all you have left to do is to go and enjoy yourself! Let me know what you think of Wulai!





Chinese Lesson 17: Weather

Hi, Ruby here, today I want to show you how we say weather in Chinese. We like to keep class short, so you can learn more easily.


 Sunny day

qíng tiān 


Cloudy Day

yīn tiān


Foggy Day

wù tiān 


Raining Day

xià yǔ tiān 


Typhoon Day

tái fēng tiān