Lesson 9: Let\’s Talk Movies

Before reading on, make sure to check out last week's lesson first!
Movies…who doesn't love 'em? What's better than curling up on the couch with a big bowl of freshly popped, glistening-with-butter, corn, and your favorite DVD ready to go.The Lord of The Rings, Pirates of The Carribean, and Star Wars, are just a few of my favorites, but feel free to choose your own titles. Or you could always head down to the theater and watch a new release on the big-screen! Personally, I love to go to the second-run movie theaters here in Taiwan, or 二輪片電影院 ér lùn piàn diàn yĭng yuàn. You can watch two movies for just 150NT, and for that price, who cares if it stinks? So in this lesson we will be learning vocabulary for discussing movies with your friends in Chinese, and I will provide you with a list of a few famous titles with their Chinese translations(Warning: Titles are translated differently in Taiwan and the Mainland). So, lights, camera, ACTION!
Movie Genres:
1. Action 動作片 dòng zuò piàn
2. Romance 愛情片 ài qíng piàn
3. Science fiction 科幻片 kē huàn piàn
4. Comedy 搞笑片 găo xiào piàn
5. Horror 恐怖片 kŏng bù piàn
6. Animation 動畫片 dòng huà piàn
A Few Phrases For Discussing a Movie:

1. It was awesome!


chāo hăo kàn a !
2. That scene was ridiculous!
nà yī mù hĕn kuā zhāng !
3. The director did a fantastic job.
dăo yăn pāi de hăo hăo a !
4. He/She's a great actor/actress.
tā tā shì hĕn bàng de yăn yuán。
5. It's a new release.
tā shì xīn chū lái de。
6. Have you seen…..?
nĭ yŏu kàn guò….méi yŏu ?
7. That's the best movie I've seen all year!
nà shì wŏ jīn nián kàn de zuì hăo kàn de diàn yĭng !
8. What did you think?
nĭ jué de zhè yàng ?
9. The plot was very creative.
zhè yī bù diàn yĭng de gù shì qíng jié hĕn yŏu chuàng yì。
10. I can't wait for the sequel!
wŏ dĕng bù liǎo xià yī jí !
Famous Movies and Actors Names Translate Into Chinese:

1. Titanic 鐵達尼號 tiĕ dá ní hào
2. Shreck 史瑞克 shĭ ruì kè
3. Star Wars 星際大戰 xīng jì dà zhàn
4. Escape Plan 鋼鐵墳墓 gāng tiĕ fén mù
5. Batman 蝙蝠俠 biān fú xiá

1. Arnold Scwanrzeneiger 阿諾·施瓦辛格 ā nuò shī wă xīn gé
2. Tom Cruise 阿湯哥 ā tāng gē
3. Angelina Jolie 安潔莉娜裘莉 ān jié lì nà qióng lì
4. Mat Damon 邁特戴蒙 mài tè dài méng
5. Julia Roberts 茱莉婭羅伯茨 zhū lì yà luó bó cí

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